Divini Itinerari srls is the beneficiary of the operation included in the "Measure 6 Intervention 6.2.1 of the PAL 2017/2023 - Support for the creation of new small and micro enterprises in the sustainable tourism services sector".

The main objective of intervention 6.2.1 is the strengthening of the tourist offer of services and hospitality for tourism, with interventions functional to the use of already existing or valorised itineraries and infrastructures in the thematic area of ​​sustainable tourism of the "PAL" .

In line with the objective of the intervention, Divini Itinerari srls has created an online platform and related Play Store and IOS mobile apps for experiential tourism. A digital and intelligent application through which to book overnight stays, tastings and unique experiences in the wineries of the reference area. Divini Itinerari srls also encourages exports (in fact, through the platform it is possible to put farms in contact with distributors abroad) by promoting the best local labels (through reservations and home sales).
